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Heart Attack/Myocardial Infarction

When was your heart attack and your last cardiac evaluation, and what is your present status?#

A heart attack is an irreversible ischemic event that results in death of myocytes (myocardial necrosis or infarction), which can be further defined according to a clinical classification.

Patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation, including revascularization and medical therapy, after an heart attack are usually stable enough to undergo routine dental care 30 days after their heart attack, unless they have residual heart failure. This must be verified with the patient’s cardiologist.

The dental protocol for patients who have had a heart attack within the previous month is different than the dental protocol for patients more than 1 month after an heart attack.

⚠️ Do not provide elective dental care for patients within 1 month of a heart attack.

Do you have any signs or symptoms of cardiovascular disease?#

Patients exhibiting signs and symptoms including decompensated heart failure, stable or unstable angina, or dysrhythmias may not be stable enough for routine dental care even after 30 days of a heart attack.

⚠️ Do not provide elective dental care for patients after a recent heat attack if they experience decompensated heart failure, recent symptoms of unstable angina or dysrhythmias.

What medications are you taking?#

Side effects of medications may include increased bleeding and gingival overgrowth.

Be aware that chronic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may increase the risk of cardiovascular events in elderly patients with hypertension.

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